
A Potty Story

I'm not completely sure when my 3 pound little girl grew up to be a toddler! I really tried hard to be in denial for awhile, but it's official she has somehow become a walking, talking, and now potty training toddler! We have had a little potty for her for a few months now and on occasion she would go pee pee when placed on it, but every time I would ask her if she had to use the potty she would say "no". I didn't want to push the issue in fear that she would feel pressured into going and then not want to do it. So a few time every day I would remind her where her potty was and ask her if she needed to go and every time I got the same response until today!

Since little Miss. Adalyn was spoiled with chocolate over the Easter weekend, she now takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen cabinet where the chocolate is stored and says "chocate peas". I decided today that I would use this to my advantage! I told her that she can have chocolate after she sits on the potty ( I just wanted her to sit there for a minute to get the ball rolling on potty training, not even thinking she would even go!) So far this afternoon she has went pee pee three times in her potty! Wonderful! I left her diaperless for about an hour and right before I was about to put her down for a nap she told me she had to "poop"! I tried putting her on her potty to go, but she wanted her diaper back on and sure enough she did! I know that any childless friends reading this now probably can't fully grasp what a big deal this is, but imagine saving around $50 a month from diapers! Maybe we can now use the money saved for a romantic dinner for two??? Okay so I'm probably dreaming on that one, but there are endless possibilities!