
Right where I need to be

Have you ever had the feeling that you are right where you need to be? What a reassuring feeling! I know for so long I questioned some decisions that I have made as to whether they were the right ones or not, but I have had the overwhelming feeling lately that this is the path that God created for me. As most of you know I have my Bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders to which I decided not to go on and work on my Master's (You HAVE to have your Master's to do anything in that field). I just didn't feel God leading me in that direction and at that time I began managing at a steakhouse here in town. Let me tell you that I was PRAYING that the restaurant business wasn't what He had planned for Taylor and I, but at the time I knew that's where I needed to be. When Taylor and I were first married, we had the opportunity to work together serving tables at this same restaurant. I think that experience led us to realize how well we can work together and that if we both set our minds to a project there is no stopping us! Taylor has always had a passion for photography and has always wanted to have his own studio one day. As for me, I thought that I would help him run the office side of the studio while allowing me to stay at home with our kids. I never in a million years thought that I would be photographing weddings WITH Taylor and now beginning to build a portfolio for Kid's Photography! Don't get me wrong, I'm NO where near as experienced as Taylor, but I'm learning and I think that if I keep working on it I can be successful at photography. Here are a few of the pictures that I took at a wedding Taylor and I shot this past weekend: