
Where did May go?

I have absolutely no idea where the month of May went? I think a few days in the hospital and then a week's worth of pain killers after surgery have that affect on me! I feel awful because I have literally taken 1, yes 1 photo of Adalyn this ENTIRE month! I've been good about getting videos of her, since I have the convenience of my iPhone, but other than that I've got nothing! This next week we have a lot going on, so I'm hoping to be able to capture some of those moments! Tomorrow we are planning a quick trip down to Sheridan to visit Taylor's parents, and his grandparents are in town also! We haven't seen his grandparents for over a year, so it'll be nice to see them again and they can see how much Adalyn has grown! On Monday, Memorial Day is my 26th birthday and all I know is I get to go shopping with a friend and the rest is a surprise! I suppose God knew what he was doing when he gave us Adalyn on June 3rd, because I'm' so focused on her birthday party that I forget about mine, which is a good thing because I HATE surprises for the sole reason I don't have control of what's going on, but I LOVE surprises other than that! I'm usually bugging Taylor with a million questions and trying to figure out what he's got planned, but no time now that I've got Adalyn's party to think about!

On Friday, Taylor and I went back to the Reproductive Endocrinologist for my post surgery appointment. He said that everything is healing wonderfully and that I should be pain free! I asked him about going back to the gym and he said that I can't do BodyPump, which is a weight lifting class, for another month, but I am allowed to do just about anything else that doesn't involve the use of my abs :) I am also down to 164 pounds, which means that in the past year I've lost 32 pounds! I was looking at photos from last year and I just can't believe how different I looked! As far as fitting in my wedding dress in 70 days... I originally thought that I was 150 when I got married, but now I'm thinking I was more like 140ish. So 20 more pounds to go in 10 weeks, I can so do this!

Finally something that Taylor and I have been really struggling with these past few weeks and could really use a few prayers for. Should we have another baby? ? The Reproductive Endocrinologist told us that we should have no fertility issues whatsoever, but since the remaining uterus is half the size of a normal one, there is close to a 0% chance of me being able to carry a baby to full term. I went into labor at 31 weeks with Adalyn, because she ran out of room to grow (didn't know that at the time). We were SOOO blessed with how well she did in the NICU (breathed on her own, no oxygen, came home after only 31 days, no complications from her prematurity AT ALL) Right before Adalyn was born, the nurse wheeled me down to NICU to show us what to expect after Adalyn was born. We saw babies that were only a pound, hooked up so many different types of machines to help them breath and to feed them and to keep them warm enough and at that moment everything came into focus for me... the seriousness of prematurity and how life threatening that it can be! But after that I had to pull myself together and block that reality out to get through the next few days and even months! I had it set in my mind that nothing was going to happen to Adalyn and that God was taking care of her, and praise the Lord that He did exactly that. But knowing now what we know, should we "risk" having another child and put him or her in danger of all of those complications? Taylor keeps saying, "Just because we CAN doesn't mean that we SHOULD?" I understand that, but God blessed us with Adalyn being healthy, why wouldn't He do the same once more? I am not "set" on having a second child, because I really do love our little family and we have been abundantly blessed! We have always thought about adopting a child as well, so maybe that's something we need to consider more. Besides, we aren't planning on expanding our family anytime soon (Maybe 2 more years?) and we have plenty of time to pray about it and wait for His answer....


A Bit Overdue Posting... My apologies ;)

So I started off doing well with the whole posting regularly thing, but ya know life happens and I just didn't make time for it (not that blogging is important by any means, but I hoped to do a little better than I have). This week my little sister Katie is visiting us, which has been fun so far, and I really enjoy catching up with her! Also, I've come to the realization that little Miss. Adalyn will be turning 2 in less than a month, and let's just say I'm not handling that too well. I truly have NO IDEA where the time went, and I pray that she just slows down a little bit or something!

I also have some awesome news to share! For those of you who don't know what's been going on with me in recent months, you will just have to go back and read some of my previous blog postings, because I really don't want to explain it all again. (Re: MRI results are in & So here we go...) After Taylor and I went to the Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Dean Moutos, on April 8th we found out that I needed to have yet another surgery to remove my left uterus (see you probably will want to read those previous postings I warned you about ;)). He said that he would be able to remove it laprascopically, which would be an outpatient procedure and make for an easier recovery. Well that sounded wonderful until we were also informed that I had exceeded my outpatient benefits for the year and the surgery would not be covered by our insurance! Not something that I wanted to hear! For those of you who know us well, know that we do not need any more medical bills! After talking it over with Taylor, I decided that I would TRY to wait until the benefits renewed in September. Well, I tried, but after almost 2 weeks of being in so much pain that even a ridiculous amounts of Aleve and Toradol (very strong stuff) couldn't alleviate I realized that I shouldn't/ can't live the next 6 months of my life in this much pain. I called Dr. Moutos back on Friday (in tears, I guess that always helps the situation, right?) and begged him to see if he couldn't perform a laparatomy (open incision, instead of with a scope) that way it would be considered an inpatient procedure and then be covered through insurance! Well I just got a call this morning and found out that he agreed to do it that way! I literally was skipping like a little school girl I was so happy! Better yet, the surgery is scheduled for May 12th, which is only a week away!!! I know that the recovery will be harder, but I've been through it before and I know what to expect, so that helps a lot! I have been praying about this very hard for awhile and I know that God is with me and He is taking care of me! What an awesome feeling :) Please just keep me in your prayers, as well as, the hands of the doctors that will be doing the surgery! I am so grateful for wonderful family and friends that are supporting us through this, and I thank God for you every day.

Oh one last thing! Only because I said I would hold myself accountable.... I am down 5 pounds! Yipee! Five pounds in a month isn't wonderful, but it's something! With everything that has been going on it's made it a little difficult to hit the gym regularly, but this week my sister and I are a force to be reckoned with! We are dieting and work out machines! lol I'm going to try to do the best I can up until the surgery and from there just keep it off until I'm able to really work out again. Thanks for encouragement!